出了这样的事情未必是坏事情。现在大家维护自己权益的意识都很高。这也是一种进步。我觉得他也有他的point。很多在我们老团员老团长看来约定俗成理所应当的事情,new comer未必就知道。而且这些没有明文的规定,也是吵了很多架才形成的,新来的人也是不会知道缘由的。如果筛子眼儿太大了,还是补起来的好,只有出台更加详细的团版版规吧。如果以后有人不看版规,也不是华新的事儿了。
Singapore contract law: http://www.singaporelaw.sg/sglaw/laws-of-singapore/commercial-law/chapter-8
In addition, where full performance is only possible with the cooperation of the other party (as is almost invariably the case with obligations of payment or delivery), tender of performance in circumstances where the other party refuses to accept it is generally deemed to be equivalent to full performance so as to discharge the contract.
楼主研究一下在common sense下full performance (螃蟹一只都没死)是否需要你的合作(及时取货)再来长篇大论吧。
In addition, where full performance is only possible with the cooperation of the other party (as is almost invariably the case with obligations of payment or delivery), tender of performance in circumstances where the other party refuses to accept it is generally deemed to be equivalent to full performance so as to discharge the contract.
楼主研究一下在common sense下full performance (螃蟹一只都没死)是否需要你的合作(及时取货)再来长篇大论吧。