how time flies! the time i came to singaprespent $22 to buy a card from one of the student who helped a Senior to sell cards. and that is the first day i came to Sing. but then found that card got delay,(in fact, i even did not know what is delay, just felt that i need to wait long time to get my mother's reply)
then i was feeling to bad. so third day, my roomates and i took a map, wear beautifully, started to walk around! hahah, we were very fool then, just after stepping out of Kovan, then lost already, dun know where is east...hahah
of course, that day, i bought a Singtel world card in post office! kaoz,,,clear de ne...but only 5.08mins,,kaoz...
damn it! saw my $10 just gone in 5mins....pain leh!
slowly, slowly, got Phoenix came out, $1.5 per min,,,we all very happy, but the one i bought had no sound...and just wasted $5 for nothing...shit....
slowly slowly,, Sunpage came out! heheh,,my luck dropped by. Miss Tan,(if Kovan ppl still remember her) asked me if i wanna sell luck...then (more...)