flu come in...u wasted that dude a good lot of time...:P
Is memorizing all these useless old stuff the prerequisite of being called so-called 文化人?
What is the definition of 文化人? Chinese treats it like a pearl, but to me, It is only a distinction of the scholars from the old coupe of illiterate communist farmer...The reason
Mr. Mao promoted the term 文化人 was to defend the legitimacy of his own coup of college-
graduates-comparable armymen's ruling of that country since they can NOT compete with the
elites of the country who were more approriate to administer the country...As a result, Mao
classified the people with a clear cut, you can read or cannot, and as a result, he convinced
90% of the illiterate people that his coup was the higher class 文化人...
文化人 is an obsolete terminology, sinful, and as evil as China's old examination system. It caused
very Chinese student to neglect the skills they need to make a living while emphasizing on those
useless knowledge like Chinese arts and arche (more...)
你问我什么是文化人?你自己不知道?“After I saw them, I found I am not 文化人... - kelvin ”这句话就已经表明了你明白“文化人”的概念了,现在来问我,无聊不无聊?你愿意怎么理解是你的事,我怎么理解是我的事,明白?
你问我什么是文化人?你自己不知道?“After I saw them, I found I am not 文化人... - kelvin ”这句话就已经表明了你明白“文化人”的概念了,现在来问我,无聊不无聊?你愿意怎么理解是你的事,我怎么理解是我的事,明白?