u only lose weight about 2 kg. for me is 7.5kg!!!! for half of month.
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作者:yidiyuehan (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:209) 发表:2004-11-26 14:11:41  楼主  关注此帖
原来一天多不吃饭的结果就是。。腰瘦了一圈, 小肚子没了。。。 原来爱一个人,是这么得想要跟他在一起, 原来柏拉图式的爱情却是这么难。。。 人生多有不如意的,大脑僵化。。。 希望我还能够考试。。。 我想我是发疯了,不敢再去碰一些东西。。。
u only lose weight about 2 kg. for me is 7.5kg!!!! for half of month.
the time for this half of month is the most difficult time period i ever go through, anyway, love yourself, finally you are the only person live with u forever, i won't believe long love any more, hehe. just do you like, this is the life.
叶子的离开,是因为风的追求, 还是树的不挽留?
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