dreaming about you ~
honey, i dreamed about you last night, again! you are right there in front of me!
you must be thinking about me too!
this is the best valentine gift ever. a night with the one i love in my dream!
“山是眉峰聚,水是眼波横,若问行人去哪边? 眉眼盈盈处。。。。” 突然想起了很久很久以前秦观的词。。。

you must be thinking about me too!
this is the best valentine gift ever. a night with the one i love in my dream!
“山是眉峰聚,水是眼波横,若问行人去哪边? 眉眼盈盈处。。。。” 突然想起了很久很久以前秦观的词。。。