The shooter must be a very good CS player...
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作者:江南渔夫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:13480) 发表:2007-04-17 10:40:54  楼主  关注此帖
Gunman kills 32 in worst U.S. shooting rampageGunman kills 32 in worst U.S. shooting rampage Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:10PM EDT By Patricia Zengerle BLACKSBURG, Virginia (Reuters) - A gunman killed 32 people at a Virginia university on Monday, calmly gunning down students attending class and then killing himself in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history. Most of those killed were students attending classes at a hall at Virginia Tech, where the gunman apparently used chains to lock the doors and prevent the victims from escaping, university and police officials said. Fifteen people were wounded, included those shot and students hurt jumping from windows in a desperate attempt to escape the gunfire, officials said. One student told CBS News the killer was an Asian male, about 6 feet tall, who walked into his German class and shot a student and professor before systematically shooting nearly all of the other students in the room. "I hid under the desk and he proceeded to shoot everybody else in the class, (more...)
The shooter must be a very good CS player...

天下英雄, 忠直豪杰言无隐, 志垂日月保江山,
古今八风吹不动天地月, 改尽这江山昔旧,
自古人生谁无死, 留取丹心照汗青。
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作者:江南渔夫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:13480) 发表:2007-04-17 17:35:31  2楼
好象还挺扑朔迷离的么刚刚和XXX通过电话,非常感谢mm的关心, 觉得还是上来通报一声比较好.我很安全,全拜今天早晨睡了懒觉,要不然9点钟的课,我8点半到学校正好就会在第二凶案现场norris hall. 在家睡到10点出门,外面一片警笛,还没有注意. 就听到radio里面说学校发生gun shot,还在犹豫要不要去学校. 开车去学校转了一圈,当时是早晨10点左右,学校还没有封校 ,只在mcbryde附近被警车和救护车包围了 我们从另外一个入口进了学校,一路畅通无阻 不向后来校长和警长所说的(他们明显推卸责任) 当时仍然可以从后门进入norris hall 坐在车里面犹豫了半天 想想小命重要 还是开车走了 因为正好过敏 准备回家路过校医院 结果校医院也关门了 开车回家的路上经过第一案发现场 也没有被封 只在楼下停了4辆便衣的警车 回家打开电视,报告1死一伤 当时还没有太大的反应 2个小时以后 报告的死亡人数开始增加 第一次听到22人死亡的时候 觉得很震惊 现在已经增加到了33个死亡 估计还要增加 早晨我们这儿四月飘小雪 风太大 飞机起飞不了 我们小镇医院忙不过来 很多人都是抢救不及死了的 www.soni (more...)
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