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作者:materialist (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:21109) 发表:2009-03-09 21:08:49  楼主  关注此帖
It emanated from the endowed holy spirit, it's inspired by the light of the and the only One.
In human's world it can not be spontaneously formulated. He speaks through the month of human, who can never articulate anything without Him.
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作者:materialist (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:21109) 发表:2009-03-09 21:15:15  2楼
非人造的自然器官在功能和寿命上都要优于现有人造器官组织,这是事实。但是并不代表以后的生物医疗技术无法超过这一极限。 另外,自然器官的功能和寿命优势也有可能是漫长进化积累的结果。
you know,
He is creator, He has lot of things to create, He can not optimize every thing, He is not an engineer.
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作者:materialist (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:21109) 发表:2009-03-09 21:16:27  3楼
You should disguise ignorance by avoiding such topic.
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作者:materialist (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:21109) 发表:2009-03-11 12:01:26  4楼
关键在于上帝的理论无法证伪。所以再多的人坚称真理,都不能说服所有人。而且,楼主别激动,说自己对,别人错,是不可能说服别人的。就算你确实掌握着真理,别人也会因为你的交流态度和方式而选择和你作对。 楼主信主应该年数不多。
I see it not is a THEORY, it's the fundamental truth.
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作者:materialist (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:21109) 发表:2009-03-11 20:09:45  5楼
the problem for anything to claim to be a truth isthat the assumption or acclaim could only be falsified to determine it's 'Not Wrong' status from before till present. It cannot and would be impossible to direct prove it's direct correlation for things unperceived or in the future. Even though Bible acclaims the only words of God. However, without enough knowledge on God itself, we are unable to determine truth of this. Judging from the system of determination, we are not in the set to study the question of God. Thus, it results eternal failure to have 100% sure proof of the existence or non-existence of his presence. The only thing you can rely on is the thing called faith, which is purely psychological belief of something to be 100% true from partial facts. I've seen people turning from Buddists to Christian and vice versa. It did not really change the world much. Sometimes, I really feel that Christians are wasting to much time doing their service and forget to help those who really wants some help i (more...)
the truth is from Him, He is the Way, the only Way.
there is only the Way, in which we perpetuate ourselves to serve, to revere and to glory Him, the father of all creatures and the heaven-and-earth. There is no question on it, for it's the truth.
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作者:materialist (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:21109) 发表:2009-03-11 22:06:23  6楼
Z:某些著名科学家的宗教观 1. 牛顿(Sir.Isaac Newton 1642-1727) 牛顿为举世闻名的英国大科学家。年廿七岁,即任剑桥大学教授,发时二项定理——微分法与积分法。牛氏引用培根归纳哲学的原理,研究宇宙万象,发现万有引力定律,并确定运动三定律,为近世力学的基础。一六八八及一七○一年,两次当选为国会议员;后被推为皇家学会会长。一七○五年,授爵士,关于光学和天文学,亦颇有贡献。 牛氏乃为一虔诚基督信徒。他曾亲自作见证说:“我们应把上帝的话——圣经,视为至高无上的哲学;据我研究的结果,圣经记载之信而有证,实远非世俗的历史所能比拟。” 牛顿虽为科学家,但同时也是一位对于圣经有研究的学者;且其兴趣之浓,并不在科学之下。尤其对于《但以理》和《启示录》两书的研究和著作,更为广博精深。 有一天哈莱博士(Dr.Halley),在这位大科学家前讲了一番不信的话,牛顿不留情面,加以斥责,正告他说:“哈莱博士,我对于你关于天文学理的高见,一向乐于领受,因为你是研究有素的;但是你对于基督圣道,最好不要随便发言,因为你关于此道,我素知你毫无研究,并且我敢断然的说,你根本是一个门外汉。” 牛顿所以这样责备他,是有重大的理由的,因为牛顿自已在早年的时候,也是一位盲 (more...)
to our best knowledge, scientists are not preachers
and as far as we can see, you as being perceived are to the best, but let's not to put a too fine point on it, however still the fact can't be concealed to the public to which such a revelation may or may not astonishingly arouse certain predicament in unforeseeable future during which course your efficacy in advertising the mere belief may encounter hinderance relegating your announcement to soliloquy abounding with contradictions, an acolyte christianist.
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作者:materialist (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:21109) 发表:2009-03-11 22:13:33  7楼
顺便说一句,我觉得如果没有一定的历史,宗教学和哲学基础,逻辑思辨又差, 在理工科背景人士出没频繁的论坛传教是非常自讨没趣的。
Both side is in the parade of idiocy.
Let's make it a debauch but not a disputation. In fresh-water crab we trust.
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