NUS 发邮件了Dear Students,
Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) has despatched to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) your copy of the Invitation to Singapore PR Letter.
You may proceed to collect the letter from the Office of Student Affairs, level 4 Yusof Ishak House:
Date: 6 to 9 and 13 April 2009
Time: Monday to Friday - 10 am to 1 pm or - 2 to 5 pm
Venue : Counter C11
1) Students will need to show their NUS student card and their Student's Pass.
2) In the event that you are unable to collect the letter in person during the specified dates, you may have a friend collect on your behalf. You will need to prepare a Letter of Authorisation .
Letter of Authorisation
I, (name), holder of NUS registration card no (1234567M and FIN: G1234567) authorise (friend's name and NUS reg no) to collect the ICA Invitation to Singapore PR Letter on my behalf.
KAO 邮箱满了 没收到:( huasing apps 你们懂得