you can claim but you cannot blame for the gray area in operation.the point is, however, not to express your emotions of not accepting what is on paper right, as the argument, which may result in a degradation of the testimony made.
什么 paper right?
以这家航空公司哪个柜台的秤为准? 20.x kg四舍五入还是20.1kg都算超重?
以前没见过航空公司的这种规定, 你说的paper right出处在哪里? 或者贴一下相关条款? 东航的旅客须知里没说怎么定义20kg,误差多少.
以前没见过航空公司的这种规定, 你说的paper right出处在哪里? 或者贴一下相关条款? 东航的旅客须知里没说怎么定义20kg,误差多少.