NUS 学生:不管什么时候都不要放弃希望。有新加坡人给我们垫底呢???
Think twice before posting your thoughts on the Internet.
Parry Liu, a foreign student from Beijing, China currently studying at the National University of Singapore (NUS), on Tuesday published a controversial comment regarding Singaporean students.
On the popular Chinese social networking platform Ren Ren, Parry Liu posted in Chinese, "There is a lesson we can learn from the recent Singapore vs China soccer match -- and we can apply that into our (university) final exam. No matter what, do not give up, because there is always a Singaporean student who will perform worse than us."
Original Chinese text:
刘沛宇: "国足告诉我们一个道理,可以沿用到我们的final。不管什么时候都不要放弃希望。有新加坡人给我们垫底呢。"
His remark attracted hundreds of comments from netizens on forums and social networking sites, most of them negative althou (more...)