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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2012-05-24 11:15:20  楼主  关注此帖
最新推出专栏《倾听索罗斯》 欢迎大家前来捧场!

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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2012-05-24 11:16:35  2楼
【婚姻家庭】弱问,上重点小学真的那么重要???最近看了这个帖子: http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=172_11807578 新加坡到底哪里才算学区房阿     发现大家为了能让自己的孩子入学重点小学,要做长时间义工、要专门买那几所重点小学1km之内的房子、然后很有可能选不上? 我有些不明白,上重点小学真的那么重要吗??? 是因为坡县制度的问题吗?那国内呢?也会这么激烈吗?   我觉得让孩子在普通的学校长大不是更好吗?压力不会太大,适合培养孩子的兴趣爱好和全面发展,更重要的是易竖立自信心,以免从小就在一个竞争太过激烈的环境。   可以:  普通小学-重点中学。 或:  普通小学-普通初中-重点高中。 或者是像我这样:  普通小学-普通初中-普通高中,最后考上重点大学就行了。 我觉得我一直在普通学校里,很健康,很快乐啊。 (其实我是中考没考好所以上了普通高中,结果高考比我那些上了重点高中的同学还好些。所以我觉得学校是不是重点都是浮云啊。最后出来大家还是同样的起跑点。大学之后工作就更是了。) (more...)
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作者:香陵居士 (等级:16 - 好恐怖呀,发帖:22662) 发表:2012-05-24 11:25:39  3楼
Compulsory Education ActIn Singapore, the Compulsory Education Act (Cap 51) was passed by parliament on 9 October 2000 and was assented to the President on 16 October 2000. The statute provides for compulsory primary education for students in Singapore. In accordance to the Act, a child is of an age of compulsory education is one who is above the age of 6 years and has not reach the age of 15 years. A child of compulsory school age born after 1 January 1996, and who is a Singapore citizen residing in Singapore must attend a national primary school regularly with the exception of the child being exempted from compulsory education, e.g. a child with special needs and a child receiving home-schooling. Under the Compulsory Education Act (Cap 51), a child who fails to attend regularly as a student of a national primary school or a designated school/be home-schooled (where exemption is granted), the parents or guardian may be guilty of an offence under the Act. The penalties provided in the Act for a person to be (more...)
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