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作者:小馋牛 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:31925) 发表:2013-05-01 10:40:00  227楼 
sad but truebefore: oh 亲爱的 I love you for who you are, please don't change anything for me. after: 你个死不要脸的怎么不去干嘛&*%%(?!,我要的房子车子)*&*()……呢???整天做那些什么狗屁工作,快去给我干嘛干嘛*(……&*(……& before: 我们的孩子只要开开心心就好,他将来做什么都可以 after: 你个没出息的考不上(*……&(&的话就不要再踏进这个家门。 If you think that you are very happy in your relationship right now, perhaps you have not been cheated of everything that life can offer yet, and you probably won't realize it until when you are being ripped open and apart again and again by the very person who is lying right beside you and who used to be the closest person to you in the world but whom now you just even don't bother to call him/her a jerk. Open your eyes, look at that person closely and think carefully.
thanks for your words....
还好我们还彼此诚实-至少我现在仍然这么觉得;I don't and will not call him a jerk,不会只是因为无法在一起而否定自己当初的眼光,他还是从前的他,变的人是我。如果我也没变,像当初认识他时对结婚抱着无所谓的态度+坚决的丁克,我们还是可以开心在一起天天傻乐着。


so...what i really need to do is to open my eyes and look at myself - think carefully to finger out what i really want and then decide what to do. :)

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