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作者:不睡觉的鱼 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:909) 发表:2014-06-02 16:38:44  5楼 
这样的啊?你的意思是说,我申请full time, 完全可以不需要填“support of employer" ? 因为这份工作经历和我要申请的专业相关,我就想,是不是大学需要这份东西,作为我曾经做过相关工作的”证明“。 不过你这样说,我也觉得好像很有道理,倒像是part time的”支持“。 为了厘清,我把它原原本本附上,请您再帮我看看: Support of Employer——please request the Reporting Officer of your organization or the Principal of your school to complete this section. Not applicable to self-employed applicants. I confirm that the applicant is an employee of this organization/ school and I support his / her application for admission to the programme. Signature: Name: Title/Designation: Organization's name and address: Tel no:
不是part time无需前老板签字。
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