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作者:LoAndBehold (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:514) 发表:2019-05-12 02:02:42  24楼 
人生的意义在于体验、改变和陪伴没有痛苦就没有快乐,痛苦和快乐都是一种体验,从痛苦到快乐这个状态的改变和其中的努力比快乐本身更重要,是品尝人生百味的过程,伤心、失望、反思、坚持、奋斗、颓废、希望等等等等,这样的人生会更丰富,当然了,我们都是希望有一个happy ending。爱情、亲情、友情再大至国家社会全人类的社会关系又会给每个人赋予更多意义。 我们都希望孩子永远快乐幸福,但如果仅是担心人世间的不堪和人生可能的痛苦就不敢生孩子,未免过头了点,按这个悲观的思路,也是要对各种感情关系说不。
Happy Ending?

如果我们谈人生的话,真的有所谓的happy ending? 听这句话吧: Life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% mortality rate.




"Optimists respond to these observations with a brave face. They argue that although life does contain much that is bad, the bad things are necessary (in some or other way) for the good things. Without pain, we would not avoid injury; without hunger, meals would not satisfy; without striving, there would be no achievement.


But plenty of bad things are clearly gratuitous. Is it really necessary that children are born with congenital abnormalities, that thousands of people starve to death every day, and that the terminally ill suffer their agonies? Do we really need to suffer pain in order to enjoy pleasure?


Even if one thinks that the bad is needed, perhaps to better appreciate the good, one must admit that it would be better if that were not the case. That is, life would be better if we could have the good without the bad. In this way, our lives are much worse than they could be. Again, the actual is much worse than the ideal."



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