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作者:xgboost01 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:71) 发表:2020-01-31 11:11:14  楼主  关注此帖
【青春百味】from LHL facebook Today is the seventh day of Chinese New Year, also known as Ren Ri 人日. In Chinese mythology, humans were created on this day, so it is celebrated as ‘everyone’s birthday’. I was reminded of this listening to the touching tribute by our singer-songwriters 林俊傑 JJ Lin and 孫燕姿 Sun Yanzi, who collaborated to thank frontline medical personnel dealing with the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. It is a reminder of our common humanity and what drives us to help fellow human beings. We can all play a part to help make a bad situation better: by practising good personal hygiene, being socially responsible, taking in stride the inconvenience of unexpected disruptions, or expressing appreciation to medical staff or cleaners. The government is working hard to protect us all from the virus as much as possible. But we cannot do it alone.  To JJ and Stefanie, thank you for using your musical gifts to lift our spirits, and remind us to unite and get through this together. – LHL htt (more...)
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