PR父母短期签证入境,巨纠结我在10月申请了那个family tie的entry permit, 然后ATP就出来了,昨天11号entry permit批了,我现在不知道是不是还得去申请个ATP,怕国内安检不放。然后那个entry permit跟假的一样,里面所有关于隔离的字眼都是maybe,maybe也需要在国内起飞前提交国内的测试结果,也提到了visa,这个我也去申请了以防万一,但是没有提供提前付款在坡这边测试的链接,我们家短期签证PR的父母。现在很懵啊,问题我懵没关系我怕国内安检大爷们也懵啊。
3 You may be placed on a Quarantine Order (QO)/Stay-Home Notice (SHN), and be required
to remain at designated quarantine/SHN facilities for the duration of the QO/SHN according to prevailing
health measures of the Ministry of Health at the point of entry in Singapore. During the QO/SHN period, you
will be required to take COVID-19 tests. If you fail to comply with the QO or SHN requirements, or refuse to
undergo the COVID-19 tests, you may be prosecuted under the Infectious Diseases Act or its Regulations,
and ICA may cancel your immigration pass under the applicable provisions of the