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作者:pymess (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:487) 发表:2022-12-22 21:46:44  27楼 
他最后一次彻底激怒球队就是在采访中把教练,球队,管理层全都喷了一遍,导致直接不再续约,咋一看会觉得这人情商太差,但是细想这也是因为他在被队里逐步的被那个德国教练排挤了,虽说是跟踢法有关,但是他想我这么努力这么牛逼还要被你学藏着,肯定憋了一肚子气。 这联想下来就好比一个搞技术搞实际工作的,到了中年,虽然竭尽所能保持巅峰工作状态了,但是仍然在公司被老板看不惯的怨气。
i surppose u r talking about the Piers Morgan last interview
on Christiano Ronaldo. he is a huge fan of Ronaldo and one of the biggest hater on Lionel Messi. he did the interview just before the worldcup, and released half of it, with full of CR's negative talk on his club, his coach and his teamates. Piers Morgan is a bad example of "fan", since his interview hurt CR's image a lot, and yet he made good money from the video.
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