Some points here:
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作者:Flying (等级:18 - 华新水车,发帖:16849) 发表:2003-06-02 16:53:18  楼主  关注此帖评分:
JAVA problem哪位大侠讲讲java.lang.Class和java.lang.ClassLoader怎么用的? 我主要想用一个string表示的名字来调用同名的一个class,不知道上面两个class能否做到这点?即 string temp = "MyClass"; public class MyClass{ public static void testmethod(){ System.out.println("Test OK"); } } 问题要求我如何把temp提交给java.lang.Class或java.lang.ClassLoader然后返回MyClass,这样就可以直接调用testmethod了。 如果您知道,请讲仔细点好吗?谢谢
Some points here:
1) You don't normally make direct use of ClassLoader, unless you wanna customize the security/access/initialization mechanism of the default class loaders provided.

2) To use java.lang.Class to load a class, simple do this:
try {
Class cls = Class.forName("MyClass");
Object obj = cls.newInstance();
} catch (....) {
//There is a long list of possible exceptions here. Check JDK API doc for the list.
Flying @way 吳穎暉
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作者:Flying (等级:18 - 华新水车,发帖:16849) 发表:2003-06-03 11:41:56  2楼
你是要这样吗?File Name: -------------------------------------------- import*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { new Test(args[0], args[1]); } public Test (String className, String methodName) throws Exception { Class c = Class.forName(className); Method m = c.getMethod(methodName, null); m.invoke(this, null); } } File Name: ----------------------------- public class MyClass1 { public static void testMethod () { System.out.println("My Name is MyClass1"); } } File Name: ---------------------------- public class MyClass2 { public static void testMethod () { System.out.println("My Name is MyClass2"); } } 以上code, 运行结果如下 >>java Test MyClass1 print >>My Name is MyClass1 >>java Test MyClass2 print >>My Name is MyClass2 不过这个里面的modifier和static keyword好像有要求, 以上public+static的组合是没问题的, 不过其他的好像不可以。
No, not necessary.
Java reflection can handle normal method calls using generic reflection mechanism.
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