i just ramake all my cards
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作者:上山达野 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:9419) 发表:2003-07-21 14:39:48  楼主  关注此帖评分:
急!!! 钱包掉了,所有的卡都没了!!!包括posBank card, student pass, visa, matric card...... 还好passport在。 已经挂失了, 请问怎样重办? 在这里先谢谢大家了
i just ramake all my cards
First of all
you go to police station to report that you have lost your wallect

posBank u go to back bring your passport,5 dollars you can get your card back immediantly

student pass you go to SIR or go OSA..if go SIR u will get it in the second day..if go OSA you have to wait for 1 -2 weeks..be remember they need your student pass and letter from both school and police station
free of charge
the matric card you go to Registar office (university hall first level) around 15.6 dollars..they will make for you but have to wait for 14 days

do not worry so much

DO it as fast as possible
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作者:上山达野 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:9419) 发表:2003-07-21 14:40:31  2楼
Free -- my experience not long ago.applying for a posbank card is free. so far, no money is deducted from my acc.
for postbank card i made two already
5 dollars..
i am sure
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作者:上山达野 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:9419) 发表:2003-07-21 14:41:32  3楼
最麻烦的是student pass先去办matric card.如果你是NTU的,去administration annex一楼。记得跟朋友一起去,因为补办matric card要交$20.8,而且他们不收cash。大概一周后可以拿到。不用带照片,跟他说你得matric number就行了。 然后去移民局办student pass, 具体步骤不清楚了,没丢过。 拿着student pass和存折去银行补办ATM card,会从你的账上扣掉$5.00。银行只看student pass和存折,带passport没用。 以后小心啊,我也刚丢了钱包。
the bank will see passport if you
do not have student pass
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