come in1. Make sure the ethernet card is recognized and driver module is loaded on startup. can u paste the result of the following two commands:
lspci --- List all pci device
lsmod --- List loaded modules
2. If your ethernet card is not well configured, configure again using "netconfig". If you have a static IP, just give all the informations, if using DHCP, then choose dhcp.
3. After configuration, restart the networking
/etc/init.d/network restart
Good luck
ethernet card recognized, driver modul loaded
//sorry for no break(how?)
we used dhcp already
[root@prod1 /root]# lspci\n00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge (AGP di\nsabled) (rev 03)\n00:07.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ISA (rev 02)\n00:07.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)\n00:07.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 USB (rev 01)\n00:07.3 Bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 02)\n00:0f.0 Multiport serial controller: Quatech Inc: Unknown device 0030 (rev 43)\n00:10.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. \n\n\n\n\nRTL-8139 (rev 10)\n00:12.0 VGA compatible controller: Chips and Technologies F69000 HiQVideo (rev 6\n4)\n00:13.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] (rev 08)\n\n\n[root@prod1 /root]# lsmod
Module Size Used by\nlockd 30344 1 (autoclean)\nsunrpc 52132 1 (autoclean) [lockd]\nrtl8139 11748 0 (autoclean)\nes1371 25092 0 (unused)\nsoundcore 2628 4 [es1371]\n\n\n
[root@prod1 /root]#netconfig\n\n\nnetconfig 0.7.8 (C) 1999 Red Hat, Inc.\n\n \017\016lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqu \017\017Configure TCP/IP \016tqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk\n x x\017\017\n \017\016x \017\017Please enter the IP configuration for this machine. Each \016x\017\017\n \017\016x \017\017item should be entered as an IP address in dotted-decimal \016x\017\017\n \017\016x \017\017notation (for example, \016x\017\017\n \017\016x x\017\017\n \017\016x \017\017[\017 ] Use dynamic IP configuration (BOOTP/DHCP)\017 \016x\017\017\n \017\016x x\017\017\n \017\016x \017\017IP address: ________________\017 \016x\017\017\n \017\016x \017\017Netmask: ________________\017 \016x\017\017\n \017\016x \017\017Default gateway (IP): ________________\017 \016x\017\017\n \017\016x \017\017Primary nameserver: ________________\017 \016x\017\017\n \017\016x x\017\017\n \017\016x lqqqqk\017\017 \016lqqqqqqk\017\017 \016x\017\n\017 \017\016x x \017\017OK \016x\017\017 \017 \016x \017\017Back \016x\017\017 \017\n \016x\017\017\017\016x mqqqqj\017\017 \017 \016mqqqqqqj\017\017 \017 \016\nx\017\017 \017\016x \017\017 \017 \017 \016x\017\017\n \017\016x x\017\017\n \017\016mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj\017\017\n