1) Ask the electrical department design a electronic mice catcher...
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作者:Daydreamer (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:177) 发表:2004-08-11 21:50:08  楼主  关注此帖
还别说, 最近我们办公室就有鼠患...奇怪了, 原先我们在三楼的时候就什么事情都没有, 搬到了五楼居然就被老鼠给骑头上了. 几次诱捕行动都没什么效果, 放在那里的毒药理都不理, 笼子碰都不碰, 专门把我们随手放那里的零食给拖到柜子底下尽情享受. 系里的女管家一边大骂OED的人无能, 一边自豪的说: 咱SOC的老鼠就是比MD那边的聪明(那边好象一下就给灭了)... 昨天是最兴师动众的一天, 出动了十个人左右, 连OED的头目也来了(因为女管家说他们要再搞不定, 她就直接去找环境部属下的灭鼠队), 又是搬家具, 又是消毒, 四周更严密的安置了机关, 还打算把建筑外层的洞都堵上. 我们的椅子都被拿出去清洗了一遍, 打扫的大妈也加班给我们多擦了一遍办公桌... 老鼠啊, 为了我们也为了你自己, 就别来了吧!~~
1) Ask the electrical department design a electronic mice catcher...
2) Throw ALL the mices on your computer into the corner of the pffice.
The rat will likely go meet the whole gang, then pick groom and slam it...

3) Turn on ALL the speakers on your computer and play cat meow at night
at random interval, the rat will be scared to death...

Three tricks will be enough I think...

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作者:Daydreamer (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:177) 发表:2004-08-11 21:52:41  2楼
十万火急!家里厨房有一只大老鼠我们几个女孩子合租的房子,west bay condo, 2 层。昨晚看见家里厨房有一只大老鼠,今早还没离开。而且以前也曾有过老鼠来过的蛛丝马迹。这老鼠有半尺多长,很大。我只是把厨房门给关上了,而且避免去厨房,阳台。但不是长久之计。应该怎么办?
Simple. Spray cooking oil on the bacolney and wall.
And the rat slips down under the drain...
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作者:Daydreamer (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:177) 发表:2004-08-12 09:23:45  3楼
十万火急!家里厨房有一只大老鼠我们几个女孩子合租的房子,west bay condo, 2 层。昨晚看见家里厨房有一只大老鼠,今早还没离开。而且以前也曾有过老鼠来过的蛛丝马迹。这老鼠有半尺多长,很大。我只是把厨房门给关上了,而且避免去厨房,阳台。但不是长久之计。应该怎么办?
One more trick.
Buy a cage of hamster and record its behavior like eating grains and doughnuts
sleeping drinking brown colored water, etc. Label the cage as Doughnut & Hams(ter)fort.
Make the video into a screensaver, download into your PC. Feed the hamster to stray cats.
Replace the brown colored water with Carlsberg strong beer.
Place the cage next to your PC, turn on the screensaver at night.

Return next morning and close the cage door with the drunken rat sleeping inside.

Relabel your cage as Doughnut & Ramsfort.


PS: This joke is original.

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作者:Daydreamer (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:177) 发表:2004-08-12 20:27:14  4楼
One more trick.Buy a cage of hamster and record its behavior like eating grains and doughnuts sleeping drinking brown colored water, etc. Label the cage as Doughnut & Hams(ter)fort. Make the video into a screensaver, download into your PC. Feed the hamster to stray cats. Replace the brown colored water with Carlsberg strong beer. Place the cage next to your PC, turn on the screensaver at night. Return next morning and close the cage door with the drunken rat sleeping inside. Relabel your cage as Doughnut & Ramsfort. :P PS: This joke is original.
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It is funny isn't it!
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