my agent is also excellent, but he is from the Great Eastern.
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作者:lazydog (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:3) 发表:2005-04-26 15:08:37  楼主  关注此帖
谁知道NTUC医疗保险的信息?要毕业了,需要自己买医疗保险。听有人说NTUC的保险挺好的,却不认识NTUC保险的agent.谁能告诉我一些关于NTUC医疗保险的信息?和AIA的相比,那个比较好一点? 不胜感激!
my agent is also excellent, but he is from the Great Eastern.
last jan, one my friend's baby was bite by Dengue fever, claim all the hospital bills in 3 days hositpal, but only paid for $156 for 1 year.

if you interested, I give your his hp no: 9183 5798.

Do hope it would be very helpful.

Good LUCK!
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