请教NUS的朋友关于图书馆的问题请问NUS图书馆的具体地址,我不是NUS的学生或Stuff,可以用NUS 的图书馆吗?我可以通过NUS的数字图书馆下载文献吗?如果需要付费的话,是按流量计费或是其它方式计费?
NUS has 5 libraries
www.lib.nus.edu.sg tells you where the 5 libraries are.
you can entre the library if nobody check your student/staff card and read open-shelf books. but you cannot borrow books.
you can't use digital library either.
you can subscribe membership, 400 singapore dollar/year. however if you are NUS aluminus, it's 100 singaproe dollar/year.
you can entre the library if nobody check your student/staff card and read open-shelf books. but you cannot borrow books.
you can't use digital library either.
you can subscribe membership, 400 singapore dollar/year. however if you are NUS aluminus, it's 100 singaproe dollar/year.