必须在开学前120天之内办,take your I-20, passport, offer letter/bank statement
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作者:Yahoo! (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1676) 发表:2006-04-09 21:03:39  楼主  关注此帖评分:
求教达人:望告知在新加坡申请美国F1签证的经验如果有同志是在新加坡的美国大使馆办的,请分享一下。比如大概的步骤/流程,需要多久提前排队,大概多久能拿到,面试的注意事项等等。 非常感谢!
必须在开学前120天之内办,take your I-20, passport, offer letter/bank statement
need I-20

if you are PR, need a photocopy of your PR
employment letter, DS156, DS157, DS158.

If you submit via travel agency it is $200 dollar, if apply directly is $170.

If your visa is approved, the embassy will ask you to take it two working days later.

If you are on full-scholarship, you need your offer letter; if not full scholarship, you need your bank statement for at least 3 month. The amount on your bank statement needs to sufficient for the amount indicated on your I-20.

The whole process takes around 1 week.

Last but not least, you need to prepare some sample answers to visa officers questions.

If your school starts in August, you can apply your visa in April already.

The most important thing is, you need to show that you have a strong tie with Singapore.
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作者:Yahoo! (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1676) 发表:2006-04-09 23:20:32  2楼
谢谢,学姐?还有几个问题 咳咳我刚刚才收到admission和AFCOE,准备寄去学校拿I-20,这个问题不大。PR是的,当前的employment letter有的,但DS156, DS157, DS158是什么? AFCOE上的Section B (Certification of Funds)是让出示每年能拿出来的资金总额的,这个总额要比第2页学校帮你估计的每年的学费/生活费总开销高才可以。资金中包括 Family or Individual Sponsor,那么,是不是有任何个人愿意提供赞助一次性保证个比方说20万美金(当然去了以后好可以请他把钱拿走用了);或者当前的公司愿意提供全奖,我只要据情况填写,然后学校寄回来的I-20上写的amount就是我填的资金总额,到大使馆要出示的就是证明这个资金总额的文件? summer session II starts in Jun,所以现在马上要开始了。strong tie with Singapore? 表示和新加坡难以割舍?还是要表示必定要回来?冒昧问一下像我这种MOE SM3的case,6年工作合约才过了3年而已,如何沟通MOE?是不是签个保证书一定回来什么的?那么这样的话在申请签证时把保证书砸出来岂不是一定签过? 泣谢!
I am not your senior sister or whatever
If your company agrees to sponsor you, some Universities may require company to issue the official sponsorship documents for you to get I-20. I don't know about your case.

And visa officer also need you to show this.

I used to be doing a visa-consulting business with my cousin brother in 2004 and 2005. My partner left Singapore last year, so I did continue in 2006. What the information I provide to you is based on what we did in 2004, 2005, as well as my personal experience with US visa. I hope there's no change in 2006.

You can give me a call at 93826461, feel free to ask questions (no charges). Don't worry.
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