RENEWAL PR有什么要求5年之内要住几年呢? 或者其他什么要求,我是没希望了,不过希望老婆和儿子延到, 她拿到PR后又住了两年了.不过马上就要来美国了.
其实是去renew REP
PR是不需要延期的,需要延期的是REP(re-entry permit,就是那个在护照上的章) 。PR does not need to renew, as long as ur re-entry permit is valid, ur PR status will be retained.
to renew REP, the documents needed:
1. A letter (issued not more than one month ago) from the employer addressed to the Controller of Immigration, stating the date of employment, position held and monthly salary;
2. A statement from the CPF Board showing the CPF Contribution History for the last 12 months;
3. Income Tax Notices of Assessment for the last 3 years.
to renew REP, the documents needed:
1. A letter (issued not more than one month ago) from the employer addressed to the Controller of Immigration, stating the date of employment, position held and monthly salary;
2. A statement from the CPF Board showing the CPF Contribution History for the last 12 months;
3. Income Tax Notices of Assessment for the last 3 years.