我猜下:Visit Pass是进出海关用的;social visit pass 不用.
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作者:henan (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:379) 发表:2008-07-23 16:21:11  楼主  关注此帖评分:
大侠请帮忙,关于DP我老婆申请DP的IPA (In-principle Approval Letter)已经下来了,我现在还是有几个疑问: 那上面写的:The in-principle Approval Letter does not calidate the stay of the of the above applicant in Singapore. Prior to the collection of the DP, please ensure that the above applicant has a valid Social Visit Pass duly endorsed in the trval document. 这个是不是说,我老婆需要首先申请social visit pass才可以过来? 有的朋友告诉我可以把这封信的softcopy发给我老婆,让她打印出来就可以直接作为入境的pass了。是这样的吗?信上面已经有公司的签名了,我再签名,然后扫描了发给我老婆是不是就可以了啦? 下面还写着: the Conteoller of Immigration has approved a Single-Journey Entry Visa fot this applicant. He/She will be issued with a Visit Pass and the Visa when his/her travel documents are presented for the endorsement at the Work Pass Division, MOM. 这个Visit Pass是做什么的啊?到时候不是已经有DP了吗?怎么还需要这个? 因为现在得到了太多的答案,很乱,所以请达人出来指点一下。 小弟不胜感激。
我猜下:Visit Pass是进出海关用的;social visit pass 不用.
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