【AgonyUncle】【开版宣言】Agony Uncle帮你解答在新加坡生活礼仪等方方面面的问题!我们很荣幸的邀请到了钟庭辉律师来作为此版面的版主来解答大家关于在狮城生活礼仪等方面的问题
1. 鼓励用英文发帖提问,锻炼英语。英语实在讲不清楚,可以用中文发帖。但钟律师都是用英文回帖。
2. 钟律师每周会从网友提问中选择部分问题解答,不可能每个网友的问题都回答,谢谢理解!
3. 为了避免钟律师重复劳动,发帖前最好先看看有没有类似已经被回答了的问题
4. 钟律师回答过的问题,我们会分类整理,并且置顶帮助网友查询。
5. 再次重申一下问问题的范围:按钟律师的说法:
In this column he offers stylish advice to everyday questions on etiquette at work and at home and anything else that may be bothering you.
Am I cheated?
I came across an employment case.
I signed a contract with an authorized company as a salesman. However, after the boss discovered I have computing background, he asked me to design website for him. Now the website is almost done, then he canceled my employment pass without any notice...
During this period of time, he only paid salesman salary.
Am I cheated in this case?
What should I do now?
Thanks for your time.
I came across an employment case.
I signed a contract with an authorized company as a salesman. However, after the boss discovered I have computing background, he asked me to design website for him. Now the website is almost done, then he canceled my employment pass without any notice...
During this period of time, he only paid salesman salary.
Am I cheated in this case?
What should I do now?
Thanks for your time.