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作者:明楼 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:1596) 发表:2016-06-15 11:52:14  楼主  关注此帖
【万能求助】Summary of Customs Offence在PR申请及准证申请关于违法记录一栏的填写事情是这样的: 我坐早班车从马来西亚进新加坡,把烟盒开了,留19根在烟盒里面,抽出1根放在上衣口袋,打算过关前抽掉(我基本上每个月都过去马来西亚一次,每次都是带一整包烟,抽掉一根再过关的)。 然而那天在车上一直睡,把上衣口袋那根烟给忘了。到过海关的时候才想起来,我就主动把上衣那支掏出来,想扔掉,可是还是被拉去罚了200块。。。   带一包烟过海关未申报,被罚款200,领到了一张 "Summary of Customs Offence". 单子详情如下:   Summary of Customs Offence a) Offence Description : Sect 128B(1)(a)-Failure to make a declaration of dutiable goods imported into, exported from or transhipped in Singapore – an offence under Section 128B(1)(a) of the Customs Act Cap. 70, and a correspondin offence under the Goods & Services Tax Act, Cap 117A b) Date of Offence : 02/05/2016 c) Time of Offence: 10:41 d) Place of Offence: Woodlands Passenger e) Goods Description: (1) 1 PKT X 20’S DAVIDOFF CIGS f) Goods Status: (1) Abandoned and Destroyed g) Composition S (more...)
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