王顺义?目测本贴要太监了 影后新帖想点新招数啊~ 5楼起回帖的一律胖三斤
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73575) 发表:2017-04-01 09:21:05  楼主  关注此帖
女生去酒吧原来这么不安全昨天翻看海峡时报看到则新闻,说的是一个年轻女孩跟朋友去酒吧,结果悲剧了的故事。被吓到了,原来女生去夜店酒吧很危险。依稀记得坛里有位美女说过,她是在夜店喝酒邂逅未来老公的,那她真的很幸运。但新闻里的那位女生就可怜了,上网找了新闻原文,分享一下。喜欢泡酒吧的女生要多留点心眼,不要和身份不明的男士搭讪,酒过三巡后小心上当 http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/man-on-trial-for-abducting-and-raping-unconscious-woman-15-years/3637628.html 40-year-old man is on trial for allegedly abducting a 22-year-old student from the club Zouk under the guise of sending her home, and raping her while she was intoxicated and unconscious. Bunker surveyor Ong Soon Heng had brought her to his house at 4 Hume Heights, where he allegedly committed the crime. The victim was found about two hours later by her boyfriend, who had tracked her down using the Find My iPhone app. 题外话:案发地点4 Hume Heights不是hillview那边吧? --- 该帖荣获当日十大第2,奖励楼主18分以及27华新币,时间:2017-04-01 22:00:02。
王顺义?目测本贴要太监了 影后新帖想点新招数啊~ 5楼起回帖的一律胖三斤
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73575) 发表:2017-04-01 09:39:58  2楼
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73575) 发表:2017-04-01 10:31:14  3楼
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73575) 发表:2017-04-02 15:41:53  4楼
你不觉得这案子的转折点是那位男友吗?如果他那天晚上没有起疑心,或者他人在海外出差,即使起疑心也不能亲自上门调查,等到第二天早上那uncle给点钱把女生打发走,女生那么胆小怕事肯定不会惊动警方,说不定找个理由骗骗男友,那罪犯就逍遥法外了。uncle很有可能不是第一次诱骗小姑娘,只是以前都没出事,终于这次栽跟头了。细思极恐啊!你没觉得吗? 对女生男友一百个点赞。有勇有谋,利用高科技让罪犯落网。只是可惜了他和女生这段感情,应该是不会再继续了吧。但如果他能不计前嫌,还是会把女生娶回家,那就真不是一般人的胸襟和肚量了,值得仰视赞叹
阿桃还是那么爱脑补啊 ”女生那么胆小怕事肯定不会惊动警方”
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73575) 发表:2017-04-02 15:59:49  5楼
我有依据的从报道就可看出来女生胆小怕事了,“However, she tolerated his advances in order not to jeopardise her internship, he said.” 熊猫批阅不仔细啊 http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/rape-trial-boyfriend-of-rape-victim-found-her-using-find-my-iphone-app-court Ong, who goes by the name Osh, and the woman, who was 15 years his junior, were at Zouk with their respective friends, when he plied her with drinks, the High Court heard. They knew each other. The woman, then a 22-year-old undergraduate, was an intern at a food and beverage company. Ong, a friend of her employers, dropped by now and then. Deputy Public Prosecutor Sellakumaran told the court that Ong was interested in her but she did not reciprocate as she was already in a long-term relationship. However, she tolerated his advances in order not to jeopardise her internship, he said.
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