【饮食健康】德国疫情最严重市镇抽样调查 15%居民已产生抗体
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作者:笑天 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:9295) 发表:2020-04-10 22:28:27  29楼 
也许我还真的有抗体了我家已经有两个由于接触confirmed case被隔离的 本人是接触第一批的,另一个的隔离刚结束 我们出去就从来不戴口罩啊 关在家就可以自然免疫?温室里的花朵啊。 我坚决相信恐慌的危害超过病毒本身

The presence of previously infected people in the community, Streeck and colleagues believe, will reduce the speed at which the virus can move in the area. They also outline a process by which social distancing can be slowly unwound, especially given hygienic measures, like handwashing, and isolating and tracking the sick. They think if people avoid getting big doses of the virus—which can happen in hospitals or via close contact with someone infected—fewer people will become severely ill, “while at the same time developing immunity” that can help finally end the outbreak.
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