【通讯邮递】Singpost 有体积收费吗 ?
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作者:wherelee (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:61) 发表:2021-07-15 14:42:15  楼主  关注此帖
【通讯邮递】Singpost 有体积收费吗 ?


帮朋友买了些东西,打算用 Singpost 寄回去给朋友,



想问,Singpost 会有体积收费吗? (长x宽x高)


我在 Singpost 网上没查到体积收费的,有人知道吗? 





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作者:医药法规 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:4690) 发表:2021-07-15 14:58:49  2楼
体积重是国际标准吧, singpost 也一样
Why is my shipping fee so high? Are there any tips to reduce the shipping fee?

When your package reaches our facility in US, Europe, Japan or China, we will measure and weigh the package to calculate the volumetric and actual weight of the package. As per freight industry practice, the chargeable weight of a package is calculated based on Volumetric or Actual weight, whichever is higher.

Volumetric weight of a package is a calculation that reveals the density of a package. A less dense package generally occupies more volume of space compared to its actual.

Volumetric weight = [ length(cm) x breadth(cm) x height(cm) ] / 5,000cm
Minimum chargeable weight is 0.5kg and subsequent weight step is 0.1kg thereafter.

You can advise your merchant to ensure proper packaging and pack your purchase into the smallest possible box. In addition, you can consolidate your shipping charges by paying them together. As such, a single base charge is billed.
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