SSB想请教一下:一个人之前已经买到了200K的SSB顶线了。这个月他是否可以这样操作:继续买下个月(6月)SSB (比如10K),同时卖掉之前买的低利息10K(6月初返回),这样允许吗?有人做过吗?谢谢!
If I have reached my Individual Limit but have submitted a redemption request, will I be able to apply for new Savings Bonds within the same month to bring my total holdings back to the Individual Limit?"
Yes. You can redeem your holdings in SSB and apply for a new bond in the same month, provided you are within your total Individual Limit of S$200,000.
If I have reached my Individual Limit but have submitted a redemption request, will I be able to apply for new Savings Bonds within the same month to bring my total holdings back to the Individual Limit?"
Yes. You can redeem your holdings in SSB and apply for a new bond in the same month, provided you are within your total Individual Limit of S$200,000.