我觉得我觉得送给爸爸的表一定要看上去很大气, 有时候不能以我们年轻人的喜好和眼光去挑哦。而且爸爸用的手表不一定要很多功能的那种,最好就是简而精,表盘上有个万年历就够了, 不需要气压表,温度计什么的,因为表盘太花哨不一定是爸爸那个年龄段的人喜欢的。再有爸爸可能因为年纪的关系有点老花也不一定(偶老爸是的,因为他年轻时视力超好,据说这样的人比较容易老花:P)所以一般来说可以从各个牌子classic design的手表里挑。 另外再有的就是最好买金属表带, 以爸爸的年龄段带皮表带不太合适 (至少偶这么认为的and偶老爸也是这么要求的)
至于说牌子的话, 以你的budget也有很多可以挑阿。建议买爸爸知道的品牌, 比如:西铁成 citizen, 天梭tissot,铁达时titus, 司马cyma,精工 seiko。。。。。还有很多一时想不起来了:P 不过介于抵制日货,不要买seiko (抵制抵制!!!可是因为这边买不到国货,所以还是买瑞士的比较好) 对了,swatch有点太年轻,不太适合爸爸...
哦, 还有一点忘了说, 不要买太重的手表,据说手表太重对心脏不好哦。基本上自动的比石英的要重,而且比石英的要厚一点,不过爸爸这个年龄的人都比较喜欢自动的或机械的,这个你就自己看着办吧。
西铁呈现在新出的光动能系 (more...)
all ppl in the world know Citizen is Jap product!
and now Tissot is being HongKong's brand...( suppport it )
表盘上有个万年历 costs you at least 20K S$ bah...
by the way, i think the design of the watch i used as Portrait is nice. Tissot, i remeber, has similar design, much affordable.
Japan watch brands i know:
Grand Seiko
they are not bad. but now better no buy them.
Swatch skin is light and not expensive. but not tough, seems it.
表盘上有个万年历 costs you at least 20K S$ bah...
by the way, i think the design of the watch i used as Portrait is nice. Tissot, i remeber, has similar design, much affordable.
Japan watch brands i know:
Grand Seiko
they are not bad. but now better no buy them.
Swatch skin is light and not expensive. but not tough, seems it.