哪个牌子的FORMAL WEAR比较好?
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作者:小土 (等级:14 - 天人和一,发帖:17332) 发表:2008-09-21 11:08:06  楼主  关注此帖
哪个牌子的FORMAL WEAR比较好?


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作者:马甲甲甲 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1503) 发表:2008-09-21 21:34:00  2楼
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作者:小土 (等级:14 - 天人和一,发帖:17332) 发表:2008-09-25 01:40:19  3楼

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作者:马甲甲甲 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1503) 发表:2008-09-25 23:58:43  4楼
穿裙子太女性化。我喜欢中性一点的。。定做哪里比较好啊? 谢谢。
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作者:caca (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:550) 发表:2008-09-26 00:35:30  5楼
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作者:babepinky (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:3972) 发表:2008-09-26 11:05:11  6楼
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作者:一路小跑 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:167) 发表:2008-09-26 13:37:43  7楼 评分:
Club Mark and Blum
For formal wear with dress, I recommend Club Mark. They can bring out the body figure nicely. There is one outlet in Vivo and another in Marina Square.

The Blum at UOB center in Raffles Place also carries a few formal suits. A lot of girls in big4 likes their design.

And the top brand for formal wear should be Armani, which is also highly recommended by several IB people. I am not sure whether Armani in Singapore sell formal suits. I think I do not have enough budget to buy either.

If you are looking at suits that are not extremely normal, Zara is also a good choice. Especially for matching pants.
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作者:一路小跑 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:167) 发表:2008-09-26 13:38:08  8楼
Club Mark and BlumFor formal wear with dress, I recommend Club Mark. They can bring out the body figure nicely. There is one outlet in Vivo and another in Marina Square. The Blum at UOB center in Raffles Place also carries a few formal suits. A lot of girls in big4 likes their design. And the top brand for formal wear should be Armani, which is also highly recommended by several IB people. I am not sure whether Armani in Singapore sell formal suits. I think I do not have enough budget to buy either. If you are looking at suits that are not extremely normal, Zara is also a good choice. Especially for matching pants.
I think it should be Club Marc instead.
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作者:parrot (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2180) 发表:2008-09-26 15:37:40  9楼
I think it should be Club Marc instead.
Club Marc 确实不错

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作者:马甲甲甲 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1503) 发表:2008-09-27 10:07:06  10楼
Club Mark and BlumFor formal wear with dress, I recommend Club Mark. They can bring out the body figure nicely. There is one outlet in Vivo and another in Marina Square. The Blum at UOB center in Raffles Place also carries a few formal suits. A lot of girls in big4 likes their design. And the top brand for formal wear should be Armani, which is also highly recommended by several IB people. I am not sure whether Armani in Singapore sell formal suits. I think I do not have enough budget to buy either. If you are looking at suits that are not extremely normal, Zara is also a good choice. Especially for matching pants.
俺也很喜欢Club Marc。。可是从来没觉得他家的裤装特正式,裙装倒是非常不错~

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作者:小土 (等级:14 - 天人和一,发帖:17332) 发表:2008-09-28 20:17:39  11楼
hahaha...river island or...principles.
u will find out how it works on butty woman.
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作者:picaqiu (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:3278) 发表:2008-09-29 16:19:48  12楼
Club Mark and BlumFor formal wear with dress, I recommend Club Mark. They can bring out the body figure nicely. There is one outlet in Vivo and another in Marina Square. The Blum at UOB center in Raffles Place also carries a few formal suits. A lot of girls in big4 likes their design. And the top brand for formal wear should be Armani, which is also highly recommended by several IB people. I am not sure whether Armani in Singapore sell formal suits. I think I do not have enough budget to buy either. If you are looking at suits that are not extremely normal, Zara is also a good choice. Especially for matching pants.
报告下,club marc在全场五折


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作者:马甲甲甲 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1503) 发表:2008-09-29 20:58:21  13楼
报告下,club marc在全场五折我买了一套加里面的tube才150。 如姐妹们说的,他家的颜色好正阿,jacket的cutting也好。八国大家都说他的裙子好,可惜我那一套的裙子看着听好看,穿上就空空的不贴身。最后选了裤子。 另外想请教这种正装里面穿衬衫行不?啥领子,啥颜色的。外面是很深的紫色。sales给我配了黄色的tube.

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作者:picaqiu (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:3278) 发表:2008-09-30 12:08:32  14楼
他家全场五折从今年2月到明年2月。member还再多小折一点儿。他们家的裙子穿上会空?米觉得啊。。是不是号大了。br> 内jacket是下面这件吗?俺觉着可以配胸前带花边的高领衬衫,或者高领带个饰品啥,不让胸前那一大块空着就行,白色黑色,或者浅紫~黄色也行,很跳的,不过紫+黄轻易压不住。。 (more...)



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作者:Beautysleep (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:184) 发表:2008-10-02 18:39:12  15楼
Wanko and Veeko
Hong Kong brand. All my dress are Wanko and Veeko. Wanko is a lit mature style while Veeko is more fashionalbe and formal as well.
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作者:小土 (等级:14 - 天人和一,发帖:17332) 发表:2008-10-03 02:49:18  16楼
maybe..........................i will find out one day~
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作者:小土 (等级:14 - 天人和一,发帖:17332) 发表:2008-10-03 02:50:05  17楼
Club Mark and BlumFor formal wear with dress, I recommend Club Mark. They can bring out the body figure nicely. There is one outlet in Vivo and another in Marina Square. The Blum at UOB center in Raffles Place also carries a few formal suits. A lot of girls in big4 likes their design. And the top brand for formal wear should be Armani, which is also highly recommended by several IB people. I am not sure whether Armani in Singapore sell formal suits. I think I do not have enough budget to buy either. If you are looking at suits that are not extremely normal, Zara is also a good choice. Especially for matching pants.
thanks for the information. will check out then.:)kiss kiss
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作者:香辣蟹 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1181) 发表:2008-10-04 13:15:30  18楼
Banana Republic

Haha...因为受了Project Runway的影响。在paragon lvl 2
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作者:马甲甲甲 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1503) 发表:2008-10-04 21:52:06  19楼
Banana Republic我的大爱。 Haha...因为受了Project Runway的影响。在paragon lvl 2
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作者:南岳之麓 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:6017) 发表:2008-10-05 08:24:56  20楼
Banana Republic我的大爱。 Haha...因为受了Project Runway的影响。在paragon lvl 2
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