JMs, EA 2010 Sale!Elizabeth Arden Warehouse Sale.
Great bargains of up to 70% off!
Fans of Elizabeth Arden, note down the details of this warehouse sale, because you surely don’t want to miss the tempting discounts on all your favourite EA products! like skincare, cosmetics, fragrances and more This sale is only for 1 day, so gather up your friends and make it a date!
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, 12 June 2010
Time: 10am – 8pm
Venue: Suntec City International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Level 2, Room 201
不知道什么好买耶,胶囊们都不耐烦用了,香水只用过Green tea Scent Spray
不算perfume? 味道非常不耐久,而且每次我用,大家一致认为,这是一种厕所空气清新剂的味道,泪奔啊。。。一气之下真的放卫生间喷马桶用了。
一套买的Green tea honey drops body cream,里面有小颗粒的,也没啥感觉
一套买的Green tea honey drops body cream,里面有小颗粒的,也没啥感觉