hehe, many solutions1. Windows Platform
(1) Borland C++ Builder: This is the most efficient and most useful IDE for large scale software development. Have high efficiency compiler, powerful debugger, wide middleware support and large enough library. Of course for a newbie, it is too
complex, and too expensive.
Refer to :
(2).Visual C++: The most widely used compiler for commercial software development. And since Anders Heljsberg join M$, it is greatly improved. It have good compatability with Windows, and MSDN is probably the most resourceful developer's reference. Of course, it is also very complex and expensive.
Refer to :
(3)WATCOM C/C++: Maybe most of you guys don't know it. But it is the most famous compiler in DOS age, especially for compile drivers. Since it is good at generate most optimal machine code. The company is defeated by Microsoft with MFC2.0. But the group is converted to a open source project. It is a f (more...)
One more point:
Only gcc and borland C++ buider here have full support on ISO/IEC C89 standard. Others all have some variations.