关于class clash 和 appeal 的一个小问题今年必须要学的一门core module和一门自己想拿的minor 的module 有一个小时的class clash, 但是minor的那个module呢是有webcast的,所以我想appeal一下看可不可以两门课一起拿。大家认为这样成功的几率有多大呢?而且最好是在什么时候appeal比较好呢?
(非常想拿minor的那个module是因为它是其他minor modules 的pre-requisite,而且只有上学期才有,这学期拿不了就只能等到大四了,那时候估计我的minor就完成不了了,555~~~~)
my expirence
1: go to dean's office ask for an appealing form on this issue.
2: dean's office gives you the form.
3: you need to go to the lecturers for both the 2 module for their signatures. perhaps you need to explain them your situation.
4: after getting signatures, you can take these 2 modules.
you can do it now.
2: dean's office gives you the form.
3: you need to go to the lecturers for both the 2 module for their signatures. perhaps you need to explain them your situation.
4: after getting signatures, you can take these 2 modules.
you can do it now.