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作者:棋人生 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2167) 发表:2007-11-20 15:30:56  37楼  评分: 
陈中和 won 棋人生, 郑海光 lost to 姚威和 ... 陈中和 won 棋人生, 郑海光 lost to 姚威和 Queenstown vs Bishan. 陈中和 may wish to put up the game, otherwise, I will try to put up later. just a short note : may be better for me to let 陈中和 to force a draw after less than 15 moves as he has used up more than 30 minutes and I used less than 10 minutes, must learn from this game to have a better control in future, good play by 陈中和.
The first 11 moves when Red is thinking to force a draw with .....

车六平四 and 车四平六, could 陈中和 help to check and complete the whole game.

1. 炮二平五 炮8平5 2. 马二进三 马8进 7
3. 车一进一 车9进1 4. 车一平六 炮2平3
5. 炮八进四 车9平3 6. 炮八平五 马7进 5
7. 炮五进四 士4进5 8. 车九进二 象3进1
9. 车九平六 车3退1 10. 车六平四 炮3平2 (forgot about 前后车, should be后车.)
11. 车六平四 将5平4 12. 车四平六 ……. (forgot about 前后车, should be前车.)
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