Singapore 15 Years Xiangqi Records, 1995 to 2009
For the compilation of the records, extra efforts from various xiangqi clubs and xiangqi individuals are required, to make sure all are moving towards the same direction, I plan to suggest at least to cover :
Records of Singapore Xiangqi Activities over 1995 to 2009 or early (the main task)
In addition, if we have enough articles or related information from the various xiangqi clubs, then we could also include :
Records of Singapore Xiangqi Clubs over 1995 to 2009, or early (the minor task)
We should not aim for too much other information otherwise the task will become too big and not able to handle in time.
We will need to consider : number of pages, number of copies, fund allocated, resources available and number of members in the editorial board etc.
May be all 悟入棋途网友 could post your views etc here for consolidation, volunteers to join the editorial board are most welcome !!!
To ensure a good job, I also wish to suggest not to rush for Oct 2008 (more...)
One of the three Secretary Generals of SIXGA since 1994 .....
should be the logical choice to perform the duties of chief Editor for this task ....