today they are at ...... (??? together with players from 柬埔寨)
Beidou -- 1 pm
Boon Lay -- 7:30pm
The event at Boon Lay .....
Visit by 台湾棋王吴贵临(特大)and wife 高懿屏(女子特大)together with Cambodia National Team
Tonight, Boon Lay CC Chinese Chess Club are very fortunate and honored to host friendlies with 台湾棋王吴贵临(特大)and wife 高懿屏(女子特大) as well as Cambodia National Team.
After a short introduction on the event and the players by Mr 陈团生 (SIXGA Secretary), the friendlies kicked off. The results are as follows:
- 其中以许升(大师)和柳国斌(乙级)取得胜利;黄毅鸿(甲级)弈和
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