Well said, 卷心菜就事论事,对事不对人。
We do not know the identity of this person,but what he has said recently is really too much.
attacking the organisers, questioning the integrity of judges, players.
In conclusion: bringing the game into disrepute.
就事论事,对事不对人。--> this is the reply to number001
就事论事,对事不对人。--> this is my reply to number001 advising him not to use foul language to fairplay10.
才均,个人建议,你不应该删除number001的帖子1, As long as he said it, everyone should be responsible for his words. To delete the post, you are actually protecting him
2, For people who can not read his posting but xiaobeidou's n fairplay10's, people may think xiaobeidou and fairplay are rude. but they are totally understood as long as you can read number001's posting above