Always 断章取义。What is your intention? Smear black 象总会长?
There are so many 跟帖 under this 主帖 .......
why 象总会长 choose under here to provide 跟帖 to clear 谣言 ?
who use the word "fix" ?
who use the words "smear black" ?
I just use my common sense to talk about personally ..... own conclusion ....
especially after alerted 象总会长 on the serious of "谣言" post. (in fact, to me, it is a surprise that 象总会长 sent the 跟帖 as he told me just to ignore it.)
Please read your own post on how you close the "fix" issue and how many times you need to say sorry and apology to different people just in the past three weeks !!!