This is nothing to do with the English, what I want to explain that .....
if he is seeking information, he should read the two links provided in details, and I also suggest to him to join Singapore Open in the early reply.
For the first one, 2008 Singapore Open
-- the details show the address of SIXGA and grading method and he does not need to ask 卷心菜,请问总会在那里?如何考棋力证书?
For the second one, 碧山内部的级别规定
-- the details show 碧山和象总的级别挂钩 but not the other way.
If you are really seeking information, you will read the two documents in details.
As for his question
原来碧山棋力证书不受总会承认。有哪些棋队的棋力证书受总会承认? - peanut 0 字节 2008-07-08 08:48 (15 点击)
my answer is very clear below as only SIXGA can answer.
if you are thinking of 承认, 下国际赛, please contact 总会. - 2008八连负 0 字节 2008-07-08 08:52 (14 点击)
有空可以到波那维斯达CC下下棋!这边通常星期天下午2-10点开放(公众假期或整队外出比赛除外)。环境不错,课室也有冷气。地址是36 Holland Drive #02-05 (S) 270036。附近是Buona Vista MRT(走5分钟),也有巴士32,74,91,95,145,191,200等。