Reasons Why Singapore Open Organized in Boon Lay??To promote chess in west side??
Main Club cannot organize it??
Main Club no power to do it??
Boon Lay have place??
Boon Lay have more resources??
Boon Lay has more power??
Paid most can the power to do so??
West side has more players??
To improve players at the west side??
More convenient of most players??
Too far for most players so some players can make it got more chances??
West side players more advantage??
To ban players Boon Lay dun like cause Main Club cannot or no power to do so??
Main Club like the place more??
As I know
For this one, I had also questioned so, until I happened to hear about the reason during SG Open from a Boon Lay player, and I believe what I heard of was true. It is an "other" reason. It is a sad reason, but believe me, definitely no evil contents inside. It is a sad reason that I do not want to announce in a forum, but you may ask your friends from Boon Lay.
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