i deserve to be more sensitive considering that i'll b in the same team as himOf cos i meant well i mean my feedbacks are not meant to put him down. Please refer to the past few posts where i mention specifically on where he should improve on. I believe my views are more sensitive than many others as his results play a big part in the event i would be taking part in as well as he would be in the same team as me in 亚洲杯. I'm not trying to discourage anyone once again i'm trying to be realistic. Are you saying that in international competition he is going to move PAO 2 PING 7 as his first move? Lets be honest his middle game and end game is not spectacular as he mentioned. I apologise if i hurt anyone if i'm being straightforward. Zhong pao is what he is best at so he should stick to that and move as many bian as possible.
反先very quickly u may not encounter the next time round but does that "gurantee" an improvement? Everygame u lose there is no gurantee that there is an improvement. Only if you play it (more...)
Have no fear comrade... My 1st move will and can only be ZHONG PAO! =)