What I meanThese are a few options to consider of so as to increase number of participants to Singapore National Open as well as decreasing number of early withdrawal. Qualification to some major tournaments is an encouragement, and help from major clubs is an enforcement.
help from major clubs is an enforcement ....
I still look at it from the encouragement point of view only, e.g. we had only 4 members for 2008 National Open but 11 members for 2009 National Open.
Two possible reasons :
(1) most of the members may prefer Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays schedule as in 2009 National Open than 2008 National Open Daily Schedule,
(2) most of the members may find easier and faster to reach SIXGA than Boon Lay.
This is also one of the issues for us to form team with enough members (at least 6 members to commit up to all 9 rounds or maximum of 12 members to commit average 4 to 5 rounds each for the 4-day period) for the coming Boon Lay team event and we will be discussing the matter this morning, another issue is the funding status.