[SGP2011-100] 2011-01-07 2010/第2季 全国赛 - 象总 - 公开B组个人赛 (总贴)
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2011-01-10 10:53:03  37楼 
I agree that I should have continued to play in the competitionI agree with you that I should have continued to play in the competition, even if I was not in a suitable morale and there was a time conflict between the competition and my Bible study (which is, of course no one's but my own fault). It all about sportsmanship and I value it a lot.
I'm just a blunt old man. But I think you understand my good will.
Take care. Study hard. And if possible, continue to play xiangqi in the future!
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