A Challenge On Your Despicable Defamation of Me
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作者:danny00 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2012-06-25 14:25:33  楼主  关注此帖
Possible Cheating Ongoing in QGS B组Greetings to everyone. I am sorry for posting in english but the PC I am on now is unable to process chinese characters. I am a chinese chess fan currently doing my national service. Although I am not a very strong player, I like to visit chinese chess competitions in Singapore to watch ongoing games. It was while watching this 国象棋个人赛 B 组 that I came across some of the most blatant and disgusting cheating tactics that I have ever seen. It was on 17/06/2012 during round 2 when a slight drama that ensued caught my attention.It was the game where 曾喡翔 Chan Wei Xiang was playing 陈中和 Tan Zhong He. I have already noticed that during the game, the player taking black, Tan Zhong He would sporadically consult a skinny middle aged man wearing glasses with long hair dressed casually in a T-Shirt and bermudas (ala an ageing hippie look). At that point although I could not be sure that they were discussing about the game, they were definitely staring intently at said game w (more...)
A Challenge On Your Despicable Defamation of Me

First, rip your own box apart and eat it up. You're not fit to have such a romantic name. I feel no warmth in your approach towards me in this recent chess tournament. You tore my name up and spat it out for the public to see, witness and judge. This is even more deplorable than anything I can think of.

First, that hippie you mentioned is my friend. He and I were merely chatting about the likely outcome of the competition -- who were the prospective top rankers and all. Also, catching up for old times' sake. It is UTTERLY UNTRUE that I sought his help in the competition. What does THAT make me then -- a cowardly chicken who dares not use HIS own brains, his own guts to take on the tournament? I may not be the best player -- heck, not even half as good as half the B div players, but I have PRIDE. And by defaming me without MY knowledge, YOU are digging your spear deep into my heart -- I have little room to fight back till now.

Let me make a few things plain:

First, I did not cheat. My friend and I were chatting in between the tournament for old times sake, talking about nonconsequential topics like who'll win the tourney, how were the A div players doing, and so on.

Second: I withdrew from the tournament purely because I'm in National Service, and I have to stay in till this Wednesday, 27 June 2012 without booking out at all. That renders me effectively void for the tournament! I can't book out to play my games. So, how could anyone claim that I was kicked out from the tournament? I transmitted word to Chen Mao Lan saying I can't play anymore, after my 4th round. Hence, he cancelled my name. So, my dear Romantic Heart-shaped-box, please listen: I backed out of tournament due to army matters, and both chess and army matters came at a time so coincidentally I could only resign myself to the more... inevitable one. It's JAIL if I don't comply, mate. You weigh the costs for me.

And third: Since you're so keen on scrubbing out my name, let's make it fair and square in 3 rounds of Chinese chess. what say you? Since you're so bold to defame me, why not you show yourself, introduce yourself to me and we'll sit down over a nice cuppa char and drink to health? Have a chessboard in between. Play 3 games. And recite a poem on chess.

Contact me @ dan.snowryter@gmail.com. We'll talk. I'll make things plain for you, if I can make them any clearer. I'll say it again: you had the guts to defame me, now show your guts by introducing yourself and taking on my challenge!


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作者:danny00 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2012-06-25 14:28:33  2楼
A Challenge On Your Despicable Defamation of MeHeart-shaped-box, First, rip your own box apart and eat it up. You're not fit to have such a romantic name. I feel no warmth in your approach towards me in this recent chess tournament. You tore my name up and spat it out for the public to see, witness and judge. This is even more deplorable than anything I can think of. First, that hippie you mentioned is my friend. He and I were merely chatting about the likely outcome of the competition -- who were the prospective top rankers and all. Also, catching up for old times' sake. It is UTTERLY UNTRUE that I sought his help in the competition. What does THAT make me then -- a cowardly chicken who dares not use HIS own brains, his own guts to take on the tournament? I may not be the best player -- heck, not even half as good as half the B div players, but I have PRIDE. And by defaming me without MY knowledge, YOU are digging your spear deep into my heart -- I have little room to fight back till now. Let me make a fe (more...)
Oh and...
Oh and by the way, do tell me how you found out my blog address? I'd love to hear your... story. C'mon mate, tell me.
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作者:danny00 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2012-06-25 17:06:35  3楼
My reply to your cheating assMy friend told me "Hey, Dan Tan replied to your post." I was wondering who Dan Tan was. Now then I realised oh, Dan Tan is that cheating scum, Tan Zhong He from quan guo sai B, heh. Now, I don't have much time to engage in an pointless online flame war with a scumbag cheater like you, especially when you did cheat in almost every round, so I will refute some of your points and cut this short. 1. Heartshapedbox is a song by the band "nirvana", I fail to see why you kept repeatedly attacking my online handle, calling it romantic or something when its not meant to be. Just like how cheating in a chess competition is not romantic. 2. Hello? You were catching up with your old friend during a game? Both of you were staring intently at the chess board while making calculative motions with your fingers. You were staring at the chess board calculating WHILE catching up about old times and gossiping about irrelevant topics? Right.... Can you at least don't make up such a ridiculous story (more...)
Luck back, you Ching
I think, you filthy asshole, that you need a landslide defeat in a game of chess to quash your quacking mouth. I don't know that song by Nirvana simply because I'm not listening to songs nowadays, and hardly catch up in the song market over what's popular.

Why don't you dare to show yourself? Meet me @ Xiang Zhong this Saturday anytime in the afternoon. I'll personally worm you out and if I have to, make you compensate for your defamation of me. Don't test me.

I don't give two shakes for "prominent youth player" nor the few bystanders who heard me, based on YOUR proof-less words. Get a few pros to testify for YOUR words, why don't you? I agree that flame wars are pointless, and won't be so petty doing these online criticism posts with you, if you hadn't refused to show yourself. I'll let you taste my fist on the chessboard. My strategy, if you can't even absorb metaphors oh you thick-skulled feline. A cat's more intellectual than you in her anticipations of her environment. You? You only know anonymous defamation tactics, and still uphold your pride with every word of your life's worth? You're utterly hopeless dude, far worse than the worst checkmate possible in the game. Get you anonymous ass a letter in my email inbox if you're any bolder!

I'll personally dig you out and you watch the sparks fly, mate.

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作者:danny00 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2012-06-26 08:56:28  4楼
My last reply to you cheaterThis will be my last reply to your cheating scumbag ass. Tan Zhong He, look at the manner in which you are strangling yourself gradually. In your first reply, you admitted that yes, you did talk to your old hippie mentor constantly but it was about meaningless gossip and nothing about chess (despite the fact that both of you were staring intently at the chess board during round 2, despite the fact that you were overheard directly consulting hippie X about the game). This is ludicrous enough as an excuse. In your last reply, after you kicked yourself by admitting that you did talk to your mentor during the game, you tactically switched track and now wanted me to bring out "3 pros" (slang for professionals or rather in this case, strong chess players) that must agree with me before it can be proven that you cheated.How laughable your words are! Why are you constantly challenging me to go bishan, meet you and play 3 games of chess with you in futile hopes of defending your honour? (more...)
I welcome your lawyer's letter in my mailbox. I'll take you on in court if I have to, dude. And it's not an accent I'm talking in, but my own way of speaking English. I'm capable of destroying myself just to take you down, mark my words. So what's it, Ching? A lawyer's letter? Take note I'm calling myself such a name as well, for I'm the color of your skin. I can also sue YOU for defaming me. It'll be a countersuit against another. Don't let me see you around -- I'll luck you out, whatever it costs me. Two NS boys against each other -- what a joke.

By the way, how short-sighted, narrow-minded you are. You assume that people speak in only one form of English? What a standing joke! Go around Singapore, listen to different educated people speak. And change your own if it contains too many swear words. It shows what a froggie in the well you are, mate. Do not for one second assume I share the slang of the young generation -- I don't.
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作者:danny00 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2012-06-26 10:19:58  5楼
Hahahahahahaha.I welcome your lawyer's letter in my mailbox. I'll take you on in court if I have to, dude. And it's not an accent I'm talking in, but my own way of speaking English. I'm capable of destroying myself just to take you down, mark my words. So what's it, Ching? A lawyer's letter? Take note I'm calling myself such a name as well, for I'm the color of your skin. I can also sue YOU for defaming me. It'll be a countersuit against another. Don't let me see you around -- I'll luck you out, whatever it costs me. Two NS boys against each other -- what a joke. By the way, how short-sighted, narrow-minded you are. You assume that people speak in only one form of English? What a standing joke! Go around Singapore, listen to different educated people speak. And change your own if it contains too many swear words. It shows what a froggie in the well you are, mate. Do not for one second assume I share the slang of the young generation -- I don't.
Last Letter
Alright, I throw in the towel -- I quit. Flame wars are too tiring for me -- pointless -- and I have better things to do on a fine Tuesday morning. I shall not apologize -- there is no reason to -- but I've had my fair share of say, and you as well.

I shall only repeat my initial statement: my Conscience is clear, I did not cheat.
Your "pastoral" scenes of my thieving ways might sound exTREMEly appeeeealing -- even brutally clear in its supposed veracity -- but it's the chess judge's word against your... weightless one.
Go on: pitch in your trump card, get those aforementioned professionals to lay meat to your claims, but otherwise THINK before you shoot down anyone's integrity again. What more -- and a sheer show of cowardice at that -- attack me behind an annonymu screen? I have rebutted you in the open, with my true name -- that shows my openness, with nothing to hide. No ostrich-head in the sands of shame. Come on out if you change your mind about your rodent cowardice, and face me -- the human.

Oh, and I anticipate another flurry of personal attacks from the wretched lips of your hands, but I've had my say. My mailbox remains open should you wish to drop me a letter declaring your phantom identity AND the reason for defacing my name and integrity. (Why not do it openly, tell me straight to the face in your crippled human form, that I'm a cheat? Why hide behind a screen, oh Coward?)

The Musketeer,
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作者:danny00 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2012-06-28 06:38:25  6楼
my words to everyone


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作者:danny00 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2012-06-28 09:25:51  7楼
一位棋友对我说 “你也升乙级了,那太好了!明年A组赛又多一个鱼腩了。”
A Poem in Closure
Okay, here's a long poem I wrote to get all these roiling, pent up emotions off my chest. Too many contradicting events have happened all at once -- that's why I got so angry, frustrated, without the freedom nor power to salvage the situation for myself. Hopefully this poem will explain it all, and also serve as a concluding closure to this fiasco. I never wished for it to happen -- why, I was so excited and happy watching the B division finals last night. The match by Wan Yin and Wang Zhen Wei, the long-drawn game between Lum Sum Kok and Chi Yi Nan. I felt the heat of their play -- Lum had a cannon and a horse in the endgame, versus Chi's single horse and double advisors. Though it was an "old man's game", I retained the patience to watch it out till the final move. Who says I didn't wish to be in the competition still, sitting at one of the tables playing my final game? It doesn't matter which ranking -- the excitment of the finals would always live in my memory. Yet all these events coming together... saw my withdrawal from the competition. Sigh.....

Here's the poem. Interpret it however you will. That's the beauty of Art.

The Crucifixion

Too many coincidences have happened the past week:
the stoppage of my Chinese chess competition
because of a charge from the military camp
that saw me confined for a long, long dreary week;
a phantom attacker r-i-p-p-i-n-g my name apart
on an online forum for chess lovers
claiming my cheating in the competition.

People read, started believing his lies, & thought
my withdrawal from the competition
was because of the judge's
long finger of dismissal.

They were wrong. But no matter
how many dozen, thousand letters of self-defense
I typed, putting my real name out in the open
braving the critic-fire of disbelievers
would anyone believe me?

Would anyone deduce
(and here I apologize for the lack
of space for Imagination, but crude precision)
that Fate had put me at a crossroads,
cooped me in camp while strangers
crucified my name out in the open?

Oh I may only rant, and rave, and sing my innocence
yet unless the cheat can come out
and show his rodent face of cowardice
my name may never be resurrected
in the crucifying eyes of the cold public.

Or could the gradual power of silence
speak my innocence with time? Presumed deeds
slowly forgotten, & put away, like another loss
in the chess competition, the one
that knocked me out from the crucial finals.

Thank you for the experiences, everyone. I had fun in those four short games of chess in the tourney. :)

Sincerely, Dan
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作者:danny00 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2012-06-28 09:35:44  8楼
B组最后一轮观棋有感第一台,王印后和王镇伟: 开局五分钟双方走了14回合, 迅速进入中局,半小时以内,双方议和 第二台,迟益南先负梁燊虢, 双方大战三百回合,迟胜势输棋,仍稳居B组积分榜第二名   王印7分,后续4个6.5分。。。 (more...)
Congratulations, Wang Yin! I enjoyed watching you play.
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作者:danny00 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2012-06-28 15:41:35  9楼
...what I need to say leh???I will never trust ppl until I really saw it...take it easy bro
Thank you my friend, for supporting me. Need I say more?

PS: Yinan, when you are free, lemme know and we can meet at Bishan for a game of chess. Ok?
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