2012年“郑海文杯”第53届新加坡全国象棋个人锦标赛 (总贴)
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作者:heartshapedbox (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:3) 发表:2012-06-21 17:08:23  86楼 
Possible Cheating Ongoing in QGS B组
Greetings to everyone. I am sorry for posting in english but the PC I am on now is unable to process chinese characters. I am a chinese chess fan currently doing my national service. Although I am not a very strong player, I like to visit chinese chess competitions in Singapore to watch ongoing games.

It was while watching this 国象棋个人赛 B 组 that I came across some of the most blatant and disgusting cheating tactics that I have ever seen. It was on 17/06/2012 during round 2 when a slight drama that ensued caught my attention.It was the game where 曾喡翔 Chan Wei Xiang was playing 陈中和 Tan Zhong He. I have already noticed that during the game, the player taking black, Tan Zhong He would sporadically consult a skinny middle aged man wearing glasses with long hair dressed casually in a T-Shirt and bermudas (ala an ageing hippie look). At that point although I could not be sure that they were discussing about the game, they were definitely staring intently at said game while Tan Zhong He was moving his fingers about in a calculative motion. It was actually a dead giveaway that they were discussing about the game. Eventually, Chan Wei Xiang lost his temper and reported this event to the arbitor. However, the arbitor stated that he couldn't do anything since it was not against the rules for the player to talk to a member of the public. Naturally, Tan Zhong He protested against Chan Wei Xiang's claims as well. In the end, Tan Zhong He won the game albeit under dubious circumstances.

Having witnessed this drama, I began observing Tan Zhong He in the following rounds (Round 3 and 4). In round 3, Tan Zhong He faced and lost to 梁燊虢 Leong Sum Kok. Although he behaved in an unsporting manner after his loss (yelling and talking loudly), admittedly and thankfully there were no further signs that he cheated.

However, in round 4 when Tan Zhong He faced 叶德明 Yap Teck Ming , he most definitely resorted to cheating again. There were a few people that witnessed it as well! He consulted the very same "ageing hippie" person again. In fact, I clearly heard him asking "if it was possible to make X move" or "if it was possible to sacrifice X piece". Not only were they discussing about the game, the ageing hippie was very clearly teaching and giving instructions to Tan Zhong He.

I have to cut this post short as I have to go offline soon. However, I can assure you that I am not affiliated to any of Tan Zhong He's opponent nor am I doing this because I have a personal vendetta with Tan Zhong He. In fact,prior to this competition, I have not met or heard about Tan Zhong He's name before. With that said, I find his (and his "mentor's" cheating tactics and behaviour extremely unsportsmanlike. I am also sorry that the arbitor could not do anything about this. I hope this post will serve as a warning to players that will face Tan Zhong He in future.
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