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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2014-01-09 02:01:33  楼主  关注此帖评分:

1) 甘榜景万岸民众联络所是本次比赛的组织者。
a) 比赛地点:
Kg Kembangan Community Centre, 5 Lengkong Tiga, Singapore 417408
(距离Kembangan MRT步行约5分钟)

b) 比赛日期为2014年2月15日和16日,请参阅赛程。
c) 参赛者不限国籍。

报名处:Kg Kembangan Community Centre, 5 Lengkong Tiga。

2) 双打比赛选手的限制如下
a) 一对参赛棋手中,只允许最多一位为有级棋士 (大师,甲级,乙级) ,当然也可以两位棋手都是无级棋手。

允许的组合为:有级+无级 或 无级+无级

3) 每队的报名费为40元。
a) 同个象棋俱乐部从第2队开始,报名费减为每队20元。
4) 共赛7轮。
a) 采用瑞士赛制编排。
b) 每轮每方用时为60分钟包干制,超时作负。
c) 每轮迟到30分钟以上作负。
5) 采用亚洲棋规。
a) 每轮达到2次犯规则立刻判为技术性输棋。
b) 如果棋手未轮到其走棋而去触摸任何棋子,则该队立刻判负。
c) 优势方在剩于最后五分钟内,且必须至少多余一分钟时可向裁判提和。在剩余最后一分钟内,优势但非胜势方失去此权利。

d) 胜势方在剩余最后一分钟内仍可向裁判提和。
e) 残局中,劣势方(守和方)可提出算步。
6) 每轮结束后,棋手必须将始终调回11点,把各棋子摆回初始位置,保持安静,不可影响其他棋手,并立刻向赛务处报告成绩。
7) 每轮获胜得1分,和各得0.5分,输得0分。
8) 所有棋手必须穿着得体,学生穿着学校制服(若有)。禁止不雅穿着如拖鞋或背心。参赛棋手在比赛中不允许使用任何电子产品。
9) 每轮比赛时间可能会在不事先通知的情况下提前进行。希望所有参赛者不要四处闲游。
10) 排名前五对的参赛队将获得奖杯。


11) 所有参赛者都视为同意甘榜景万岸民众联络所设定的比赛规则和条例。





有任何问题,请电邮 刘伟烈 att0exa@hotmail.com


A1 A2
B1 B2

A1和B1可为有级或无级棋手; A2和B2只能为无级棋手。



报到 1.00 pm
第1轮 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm
第2轮 3.45 pm – 5.45 pm
休息 5.45 pm – 6.30 pm
第3轮 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm
报到 10.00 am
第4轮 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
休息 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm
第5轮 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm
第6轮 3.45 pm – 5.45 pm
休息 5.45 pm – 6.30 pm
第7轮 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm
颁奖礼 8.45 pm – 9.00 pm

比赛日期:2014年2月15日和16日 (周六和周日)
比赛地点:甘榜景万岸民众联络所 (Kg Kembangan CC)
Multipurpose Hall Level 3

如何到达:Kembangan MRT步行约5分钟

名次 奖金
冠军 $300 + 一对奖杯
亚军 $200 + 一对奖杯
季军 $100 + 一对奖杯
第四 / 第五 $50 + 一对奖杯
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2014-01-09 02:04:48  2楼
英文章程 (文字版)
Rules and Regulations
1) Kg Kembangan Community Centre is the organiser of this competition.
a) The competition venue is at Kg Kembangan Community Centre, 5 Lengkong Tiga (5 minutes walk from Kembangan MRT).
b) The competition date is on 15th and 16th February 2014. Refer to the schedule for more details.
c) Competitors of all nationalities may sign up for this competition.
Competitors may sign up at Kg Kembangan Community Centre, 5 Lengkong Tiga, as of now. The closing date for registration will be 9th February 2014, 5pm.
2) These are the restrictions for the competitor pairs
a) All competitors must be a current student, current staff or current coach of the same education institute.
b) Between the pair, only one can be a ranked player (大师,甲级,乙级). Both players can be unranked.
Only these permutations are allowed. Ranked player + unranked player or Unranked player + Unranked player
3) For any competitor pair, the registration fee is $20.
a) The registration fees for subsequent pairs from the same institution is $10.
4) 7 rounds of chess game will be played in total.
a) Swiss Perfect will be used to pair up all competitors.
b) Each pair shall be given 60 minutes of playing time. No addition of time per step. Players who exceed prescribed timing will forfeit the game.
c) Latecomers for more than 30 minutes will be deemed to have lost the round.
5) Asian Xiangqi rules (亚洲棋规) will be used.
a) Two fouls result in a technical loss.
b) If it is not the player’s turn to move and yet, the player touches or moves any seed(s), the competitor pair forfeits the game.
c) During the last five minutes of his/her time, the player with the advantage (优势) may ask for a draw. If the player with the advantage chooses not to do so
and s/he has not achieved the winning position (胜势), s/he loses the right to ask for a draw.
d) During the last one minute of his/her time, the player with the winning position (胜势) may ask for a draw.
e) Once the game reaches end-game (残局), the player with the disadvantage (劣势) may ask for counting of steps (算步).
6) Upon ending of a round, competitors are to set back the clock to 11.00, place back the chess pieces in original position, be quiet when leaving, do not disturb the other ongoing games and proceed immediately to the judges to report the results.
7) In each round, 1 point will be awarded for a victory, 0.5 for a draw, and 0 for a defeat.
8) All players are to be properly attired for the competition, school uniform if applicable. There shall be no sloppy attire such slippers and singlets. Competitors are also prohibited from using electronic devices during the matches.
9) Competition schedules may be pushed forward without prior notice. Competitors are strongly advised not to loiter about.
10) Trophies will be awarded to the top 5 competitor pairs.
Besides the trophies, prizes will be awarded to the top 5 winners. Refer to behind for details.
11) By joining this competition, competitors agree to abide by all rules and regulations set down by Kg Kembangan Community Centre.
Judges’ decisions are final and no entertainments will be made.
Kg Kembangan Community Centre reserves the right to decide on the winning competitors based on the scores.
Kg Kembangan Community Centre reserves all rights to amend, remove, modify and change any part of the competition, rules and regulations without any prior and/or further notice.
Any breach of the rules and regulation will be addressed as advised by the judge.
Please contact Liu Weilie at att0exa@hotmail.com for any clarifications.
A1 A2
Chess Board
B1 B2
This is the layout for how the matches will be carried out.
Assume that A1 and A2 are red while B1 and B2 are black, the order in which they should make the moves is A1, B2, A2, B1.
A1 and B1 can be ranked or unranked players. A2 and B2 can only be unranked players.
Only A1 and B1 are able to offer/accept draw, A2 and B2 are not allowed to offer/accept draw.

Competition Schedule
Competition Date: 15th and 16th February 2014 (Saturday & Sunday)
Competition Venue: Kg Kembangan CC Multipurpose Hall Level 3
How to reach: An approximate walk of 5 minutes from Kembangan MRT
Registration Deadline: 9th February 2014 (Sunday), 5pm
$200 + one pair of trophies
$100 + one pair of trophies
$50 + one pair of trophies
4th / 5th
$20 + one pair of trophies

Schedule Time
Saturday, 15th February 2014
Reporting Time
1.00 pm
Round 1
1.30 pm – 3.30 pm
Round 2
3.45 pm – 5.45 pm
Rest Time
5.45 pm – 6.30 pm
Round 3
6.30 pm – 8.30 pm

Sunday, 16th February 2014
Reporting Time
10.00 am
Round 4
10.30 am – 12.30 pm
Rest Time
12.30 pm – 1.30 pm
Round 5
1.30 pm – 3.30 pm
Round 6
3.45 pm – 5.45 pm
Rest Time
5.45 pm – 6.30 pm
Round 7
6.30 pm – 8.30 pm
Prize Giving Ceremony
8.45 pm – 9.00 pm

欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2014-01-09 02:09:35  3楼
英文章程 (文字版)2014年甘榜景万岸首届全校际中国象棋双打混合赛 Rules and Regulations 1) Kg Kembangan Community Centre is the organiser of this competition. a) The competition venue is at Kg Kembangan Community Centre, 5 Lengkong Tiga (5 minutes walk from Kembangan MRT). b) The competition date is on 15th and 16th February 2014. Refer to the schedule for more details. c) Competitors of all nationalities may sign up for this competition. Competitors may sign up at Kg Kembangan Community Centre, 5 Lengkong Tiga, as of now. The closing date for registration will be 9th February 2014, 5pm. 2) These are the restrictions for the competitor pairs a) All competitors must be a current student, current staff or current coach of the same education institute. b) Between the pair, only one can be a ranked player (大师,甲级,乙级). Both players can be unranked. Only these permutations are allowed. Ranked player + unranked player or Unranked player + Unranked player 3) For any competitor pair, the registration fee is $20. (more...)
英文章程(JPG/PDF 版)

欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2014-01-09 02:18:53  4楼
英文章程 (文字版)2014年甘榜景万岸首届全校际中国象棋双打混合赛 Rules and Regulations 1) Kg Kembangan Community Centre is the organiser of this competition. a) The competition venue is at Kg Kembangan Community Centre, 5 Lengkong Tiga (5 minutes walk from Kembangan MRT). b) The competition date is on 15th and 16th February 2014. Refer to the schedule for more details. c) Competitors of all nationalities may sign up for this competition. Competitors may sign up at Kg Kembangan Community Centre, 5 Lengkong Tiga, as of now. The closing date for registration will be 9th February 2014, 5pm. 2) These are the restrictions for the competitor pairs a) All competitors must be a current student, current staff or current coach of the same education institute. b) Between the pair, only one can be a ranked player (大师,甲级,乙级). Both players can be unranked. Only these permutations are allowed. Ranked player + unranked player or Unranked player + Unranked player 3) For any competitor pair, the registration fee is $20. (more...)

欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2014-01-09 02:28:09  5楼
1. 学生组每队必须是同一学校的学生,学校员工或当前教练组成。All competitors must be a current student, current staff or current coach of the same education institute.
2. 报名费减半,每个学校首队20元,第2队开始每队10元

欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2014-01-09 02:29:12  6楼
学生组章程学生组章程和成人组的区别: 1. 学生组每队必须是同一学校的学生,学校员工或当前教练组成。All competitors must be a current student, current staff or current coach of the same education institute. 2. 报名费减半,每个学校首队20元,第2队开始每队10元 (more...)

欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2014-01-09 13:48:29  7楼
英文章程 (文字版)2014年甘榜景万岸首届全校际中国象棋双打混合赛 Rules and Regulations 1) Kg Kembangan Community Centre is the organiser of this competition. a) The competition venue is at Kg Kembangan Community Centre, 5 Lengkong Tiga (5 minutes walk from Kembangan MRT). b) The competition date is on 15th and 16th February 2014. Refer to the schedule for more details. c) Competitors of all nationalities may sign up for this competition. Competitors may sign up at Kg Kembangan Community Centre, 5 Lengkong Tiga, as of now. The closing date for registration will be 9th February 2014, 5pm. 2) These are the restrictions for the competitor pairs a) All competitors must be a current student, current staff or current coach of the same education institute. b) Between the pair, only one can be a ranked player (大师,甲级,乙级). Both players can be unranked. Only these permutations are allowed. Ranked player + unranked player or Unranked player + Unranked player 3) For any competitor pair, the registration fee is $20. (more...)

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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2014-01-27 10:38:22  8楼
甘榜景万岸双打赛报名截止时间: 2014年2月9日星期天5PM
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作者:新加坡碧山 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:2669) 发表:2014-02-16 11:10:08  9楼
景万岸双打赛 -- 2014年2月16日星期日第4轮至第7轮比赛时间 10.30am–8.30pm

景万岸双打赛 -- 2014年2月16日 星期日 第4轮至第7轮 比赛时间 10.30am–8.30pm


报到 10.00 am

第4轮 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
休息 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm
第5轮 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm
第6轮 3.45 pm – 5.45 pm
休息 5.45 pm – 6.30 pm
第7轮 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm

颁奖礼 8.45 pm – 9.00 pm
欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2014-02-17 16:16:17  10楼 评分:
成绩排名:1飞鹰 2文礼 3景万岸B 4波那天马行空 5波那吉人天相 6林合记B 7北斗 8华中B






欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:新加坡碧山 (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:2669) 发表:2014-02-18 12:21:48  11楼
比赛两组共52队,祝贺成功 。。。



条例(8) 所有棋手必须穿着得体,。。。。。。禁止不雅穿着如拖鞋或背心。

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